Title: The New Neighbor (part 2) Fandom: original Rating: PG-13 (for some vulgar language) Genre: urban fantasy Spoiler Warnings: none Word Count: 6,287 (only because LJ won’t let me post over 12K at once, stupid LJ)
Title: The New Neighbor (part 1) Fandom: original Rating: PG Genre: urban fantasy Spoiler Warnings: none Word Count: 6,569 (only because LJ won’t let me post over 12K at once, stupid LJ)
Title: First Step (5/?) Author: dtsguru Fandom: original Rating: PG-13 (for some language) Genre: urban fantasy Spoiler Warnings: none Word Count: 1209
This is set in ‘The Family’ ‘verse. Self beta’d so all mistakes most definitely are mine.
Title: The Conversation (4/?) Author: dtsguru Fandom: original Rating: PG-13 (for some language) Genre: urban fantasy Spoiler Warnings: none Word Count: 1766
This is set in ‘The Family’ ‘verse. Self beta’d so all mistakes most definitely are mine.
Title: The Ties That Bind (1/?) Author: dtsguru Fandom: original Rating: PG-13 (for some language) Genre: urban fantasy Spoiler Warnings: none Word Count: 1906
This is set in ‘The Family’ ‘verse. Self beta’d so all mistakes most definitely are mine.